PostgREST API (11.2.1)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is a dynamic API generated by PostgREST
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
base_currency | string <text> |
quote_currency | string <text> |
base_volume | string <numeric> |
quote_volume | string <numeric> |
base_volume_nominal | string <double precision> |
quote_volume_nominal | string <double precision> |
last_price | string <numeric> |
ask | string <numeric> |
bid | string <numeric> |
high | string <numeric> |
low | string <numeric> |
liquidity_in_quote | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "market_id": 0,
- "base_currency": "string",
- "quote_currency": "string",
- "base_volume": 0,
- "quote_volume": 0,
- "base_volume_nominal": 0,
- "quote_volume_nominal": 0,
- "last_price": 0,
- "ask": 0,
- "bid": 0,
- "high": 0,
- "low": 0,
- "liquidity_in_quote": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | number <numeric> |
tick_size | number <numeric> |
min_size | number <numeric> |
underwriter_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | number <numeric> |
tick_size | number <numeric> |
min_size | number <numeric> |
underwriter_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
address | string <text> |
module | string <text> |
struct | string <text> |
volume_as_base | string <numeric> |
volume_as_quote | string <numeric> |
generic_asset_name | string <text> |
name | string <text> |
symbol | string <text> |
decimals | string <smallint> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "address": "string",
- "module": "string",
- "struct": "string",
- "volume_as_base": 0,
- "volume_as_quote": 0,
- "generic_asset_name": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
created_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
last_updated_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
integrator | string <text> |
total_filled | string <numeric> |
remaining_size | string <numeric> |
order_status | string <public.order_status> |
order_type | string <public.order_type> |
user | string <text> |
direction | string <public.order_direction> |
price | string <numeric> |
average_execution_price | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
last_increase_stamp | string <numeric> |
min_base | string <numeric> |
max_base | string <numeric> |
min_quote | string <numeric> |
max_quote | string <numeric> |
total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "market_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "created_at": "string",
- "last_updated_at": "string",
- "integrator": "string",
- "total_filled": 0,
- "remaining_size": 0,
- "order_status": "open",
- "order_type": "limit",
- "user": "string",
- "direction": "sell",
- "price": 0,
- "average_execution_price": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "last_increase_stamp": 0,
- "min_base": 0,
- "max_base": 0,
- "min_quote": 0,
- "max_quote": 0,
- "total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
order_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
created_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
last_updated_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
integrator | string <text> |
total_filled | number <numeric> |
remaining_size | number <numeric> |
order_status | string <public.order_status> Enum: "open" "closed" "cancelled" |
order_type | string <public.order_type> Enum: "limit" "market" "swap" |
user | string <text> |
direction | string <public.order_direction> Enum: "sell" "buy" "ask" "bid" |
price | number <numeric> |
average_execution_price | number <numeric> |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
restriction | integer <smallint> |
last_increase_stamp | number <numeric> |
min_base | number <numeric> |
max_base | number <numeric> |
min_quote | number <numeric> |
max_quote | number <numeric> |
total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "created_at": "string",
- "last_updated_at": "string",
- "integrator": "string",
- "total_filled": 0,
- "remaining_size": 0,
- "order_status": "open",
- "order_type": "limit",
- "user": "string",
- "direction": "sell",
- "price": 0,
- "average_execution_price": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "last_increase_stamp": 0,
- "min_base": 0,
- "max_base": 0,
- "min_quote": 0,
- "max_quote": 0,
- "total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
created_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
last_updated_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
integrator | string <text> |
total_filled | string <numeric> |
remaining_size | string <numeric> |
order_status | string <public.order_status> |
order_type | string <public.order_type> |
user | string <text> |
direction | string <public.order_direction> |
price | string <numeric> |
average_execution_price | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
last_increase_stamp | string <numeric> |
min_base | string <numeric> |
max_base | string <numeric> |
min_quote | string <numeric> |
max_quote | string <numeric> |
total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
created_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
last_updated_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
integrator | string <text> |
total_filled | string <numeric> |
remaining_size | string <numeric> |
order_status | string <public.order_status> |
order_type | string <public.order_type> |
user | string <text> |
direction | string <public.order_direction> |
price | string <numeric> |
average_execution_price | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
last_increase_stamp | string <numeric> |
min_base | string <numeric> |
max_base | string <numeric> |
min_quote | string <numeric> |
max_quote | string <numeric> |
total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
order_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
created_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
last_updated_at | string <timestamp with time zone> |
integrator | string <text> |
total_filled | number <numeric> |
remaining_size | number <numeric> |
order_status | string <public.order_status> Enum: "open" "closed" "cancelled" |
order_type | string <public.order_type> Enum: "limit" "market" "swap" |
user | string <text> |
direction | string <public.order_direction> Enum: "sell" "buy" "ask" "bid" |
price | number <numeric> |
average_execution_price | number <numeric> |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
restriction | integer <smallint> |
last_increase_stamp | number <numeric> |
min_base | number <numeric> |
max_base | number <numeric> |
min_quote | number <numeric> |
max_quote | number <numeric> |
total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "created_at": "string",
- "last_updated_at": "string",
- "integrator": "string",
- "total_filled": 0,
- "remaining_size": 0,
- "order_status": "open",
- "order_type": "limit",
- "user": "string",
- "direction": "sell",
- "price": 0,
- "average_execution_price": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "last_increase_stamp": 0,
- "min_base": 0,
- "max_base": 0,
- "min_quote": 0,
- "max_quote": 0,
- "total_fees_paid_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
base_value | string <numeric> |
quote_value | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name | string <text> |
base_symbol | string <text> |
base_decimals | string <smallint> |
quote_name | string <text> |
quote_symbol | string <text> |
quote_decimals | string <smallint> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "base_value": 0,
- "quote_value": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name": "string",
- "base_symbol": "string",
- "base_decimals": 0,
- "quote_name": "string",
- "quote_symbol": "string",
- "quote_decimals": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
direction | string <text> |
size | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "order_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "integrator": "string",
- "direction": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
order_id | number <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
integrator | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
direction | string <text> |
size | number <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "order_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "integrator": "string",
- "direction": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
direction | string <text> |
size | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
direction | string <text> |
size | string <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
order_id | number <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
integrator | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
direction | string <text> |
size | number <numeric> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "order_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "integrator": "string",
- "direction": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
side | string <boolean> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
initial_size | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
size | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "side": true,
- "integrator": "string",
- "initial_size": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "size": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
order_id | number <numeric> |
side | boolean <boolean> |
integrator | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
initial_size | number <numeric> |
price | number <numeric> |
restriction | integer <smallint> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
size | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "side": true,
- "integrator": "string",
- "initial_size": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "size": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
side | string <boolean> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
initial_size | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
size | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
order_id | string <numeric> |
side | string <boolean> |
integrator | string <character varying> |
initial_size | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
restriction | string <smallint> |
self_match_behavior | string <smallint> |
size | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
custodian_id | number <numeric> |
order_id | number <numeric> |
side | boolean <boolean> |
integrator | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
initial_size | number <numeric> |
price | number <numeric> |
restriction | integer <smallint> |
self_match_behavior | integer <smallint> |
size | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "order_id": 0,
- "side": true,
- "integrator": "string",
- "initial_size": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "restriction": 0,
- "self_match_behavior": 0,
- "size": 0
query Parameters
resolution | string <integer> |
txn_version | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "resolution": 0,
- "txn_version": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
resolution | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
txn_version | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "resolution": 0,
- "txn_version": 0
query Parameters
resolution | string <integer> |
txn_version | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
resolution | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
txn_version | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "resolution": 0,
- "txn_version": 0
query Parameters
user | string <character varying> |
handle | string <character varying> |
creation_time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "user": "string",
- "handle": "string",
- "creation_time": "string"
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
handle | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
creation_time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user": "string",
- "handle": "string",
- "creation_time": "string"
query Parameters
user | string <character varying> |
handle | string <character varying> |
creation_time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
user | string <character varying> <= 70 characters Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
handle | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
creation_time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user": "string",
- "handle": "string",
- "creation_time": "string"
query Parameters
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
txn_version | string <numeric> |
user | string <character varying> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
base_total | string <numeric> |
base_available | string <numeric> |
base_ceiling | string <numeric> |
quote_total | string <numeric> |
quote_available | string <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "time": "string",
- "txn_version": 0,
- "user": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "base_total": 0,
- "base_available": 0,
- "base_ceiling": 0,
- "quote_total": 0,
- "quote_available": 0,
- "quote_ceiling": 0
query Parameters
user | string <text> |
volume | string <numeric> |
integrators_used | string <text[]> |
n_trades | string <integer> |
points | string <numeric> |
competition_id | string <integer> |
rank | string <bigint> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "user": "string",
- "volume": 0,
- "integrators_used": [
- "string"
], - "n_trades": 0,
- "points": 0,
- "competition_id": 0,
- "rank": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
emit_address | string <character varying> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
maker_address | string <character varying> |
maker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
maker_order_id | string <numeric> |
maker_side | string <boolean> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
sequence_number_for_trade | string <numeric> |
size | string <numeric> |
taker_address | string <character varying> |
taker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
taker_order_id | string <numeric> |
taker_quote_fees_paid | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "emit_address": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "maker_address": "string",
- "maker_custodian_id": 0,
- "maker_order_id": 0,
- "maker_side": true,
- "market_id": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "sequence_number_for_trade": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "taker_address": "string",
- "taker_custodian_id": 0,
- "taker_order_id": 0,
- "taker_quote_fees_paid": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
emit_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
maker_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
maker_custodian_id | number <numeric> |
maker_order_id | number <numeric> |
maker_side | boolean <boolean> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
price | number <numeric> |
sequence_number_for_trade | number <numeric> |
size | number <numeric> |
taker_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
taker_custodian_id | number <numeric> |
taker_order_id | number <numeric> |
taker_quote_fees_paid | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "emit_address": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "maker_address": "string",
- "maker_custodian_id": 0,
- "maker_order_id": 0,
- "maker_side": true,
- "market_id": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "sequence_number_for_trade": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "taker_address": "string",
- "taker_custodian_id": 0,
- "taker_order_id": 0,
- "taker_quote_fees_paid": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
emit_address | string <character varying> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
maker_address | string <character varying> |
maker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
maker_order_id | string <numeric> |
maker_side | string <boolean> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
sequence_number_for_trade | string <numeric> |
size | string <numeric> |
taker_address | string <character varying> |
taker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
taker_order_id | string <numeric> |
taker_quote_fees_paid | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
emit_address | string <character varying> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
maker_address | string <character varying> |
maker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
maker_order_id | string <numeric> |
maker_side | string <boolean> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
price | string <numeric> |
sequence_number_for_trade | string <numeric> |
size | string <numeric> |
taker_address | string <character varying> |
taker_custodian_id | string <numeric> |
taker_order_id | string <numeric> |
taker_quote_fees_paid | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
emit_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
maker_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
maker_custodian_id | number <numeric> |
maker_order_id | number <numeric> |
maker_side | boolean <boolean> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
price | number <numeric> |
sequence_number_for_trade | number <numeric> |
size | number <numeric> |
taker_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
taker_custodian_id | number <numeric> |
taker_order_id | number <numeric> |
taker_quote_fees_paid | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "emit_address": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "maker_address": "string",
- "maker_custodian_id": 0,
- "maker_order_id": 0,
- "maker_side": true,
- "market_id": 0,
- "price": 0,
- "sequence_number_for_trade": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "taker_address": "string",
- "taker_custodian_id": 0,
- "taker_order_id": 0,
- "taker_quote_fees_paid": 0
query Parameters
id | string <integer> |
start | string <timestamp with time zone> |
end | string <timestamp with time zone> |
prize | string <integer> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
integrators_required | string <text[]> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string",
- "prize": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "integrators_required": [
- "string"
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
id | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
start | string <timestamp with time zone> |
end | string <timestamp with time zone> |
prize | integer <integer> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
integrators_required | Array of strings |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 0,
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string",
- "prize": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "integrators_required": [
- "string"
query Parameters
id | string <integer> |
start | string <timestamp with time zone> |
end | string <timestamp with time zone> |
prize | string <integer> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
integrators_required | string <text[]> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
id | string <integer> |
start | string <timestamp with time zone> |
end | string <timestamp with time zone> |
prize | string <integer> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
integrators_required | string <text[]> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
id | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
start | string <timestamp with time zone> |
end | string <timestamp with time zone> |
prize | integer <integer> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
integrators_required | Array of strings |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 0,
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string",
- "prize": 0,
- "market_id": 0,
- "integrators_required": [
- "string"
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
lot_size | number <numeric> |
tick_size | number <numeric> |
min_size | number <numeric> |
underwriter_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
event_idx | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
event_idx | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> <= 70 characters |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
lot_size | number <numeric> |
tick_size | number <numeric> |
min_size | number <numeric> |
underwriter_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "event_idx": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0
query Parameters
group_id | string <integer> |
name | string <text> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "group_id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "market_id": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
group_id | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
name | string <text> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "group_id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "market_id": 0
query Parameters
group_id | string <integer> |
name | string <text> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
group_id | integer <integer> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
name | string <text> |
market_id | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "group_id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "market_id": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
handle | string <character varying> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_total | string <numeric> |
base_available | string <numeric> |
base_ceiling | string <numeric> |
quote_total | string <numeric> |
quote_available | string <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "txn_version": 0,
- "handle": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_total": 0,
- "base_available": 0,
- "base_ceiling": 0,
- "quote_total": 0,
- "quote_available": 0,
- "quote_ceiling": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
handle | string <character varying> <= 70 characters Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
custodian_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_total | number <numeric> |
base_available | number <numeric> |
base_ceiling | number <numeric> |
quote_total | number <numeric> |
quote_available | number <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "handle": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_total": 0,
- "base_available": 0,
- "base_ceiling": 0,
- "quote_total": 0,
- "quote_available": 0,
- "quote_ceiling": 0
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
handle | string <character varying> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_total | string <numeric> |
base_available | string <numeric> |
base_ceiling | string <numeric> |
quote_total | string <numeric> |
quote_available | string <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
query Parameters
txn_version | string <numeric> |
handle | string <character varying> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
custodian_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_total | string <numeric> |
base_available | string <numeric> |
base_ceiling | string <numeric> |
quote_total | string <numeric> |
quote_available | string <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
txn_version | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
handle | string <character varying> <= 70 characters Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
custodian_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_total | number <numeric> |
base_available | number <numeric> |
base_ceiling | number <numeric> |
quote_total | number <numeric> |
quote_available | number <numeric> |
quote_ceiling | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "txn_version": 0,
- "handle": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "custodian_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "base_total": 0,
- "base_available": 0,
- "base_ceiling": 0,
- "quote_total": 0,
- "quote_available": 0,
- "quote_ceiling": 0
query Parameters
start_time_1hr_period | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
fees_in_quote_subunits | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "start_time_1hr_period": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "fees_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
start_time_1hr_period | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
fees_in_quote_subunits | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "start_time_1hr_period": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "fees_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
start_time_1hr_period | string <timestamp with time zone> |
market_id | string <numeric> |
fees_in_quote_subunits | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
start_time_1hr_period | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
fees_in_quote_subunits | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "start_time_1hr_period": "string",
- "market_id": 0,
- "fees_in_quote_subunits": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
start_time_1m_period | string <timestamp with time zone> |
price | string <numeric> |
sum_fill_size_1m_period | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "market_id": 0,
- "start_time_1m_period": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "sum_fill_size_1m_period": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
start_time_1m_period | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
price | number <numeric> |
sum_fill_size_1m_period | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "start_time_1m_period": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "sum_fill_size_1m_period": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
start_time_1m_period | string <timestamp with time zone> |
price | string <numeric> |
sum_fill_size_1m_period | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
start_time_1m_period | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
price | number <numeric> |
sum_fill_size_1m_period | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "start_time_1m_period": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "sum_fill_size_1m_period": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
min_ask | string <numeric> |
max_bid | string <numeric> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "min_ask": 0,
- "max_bid": 0
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
min_ask | number <numeric> |
max_bid | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "min_ask": 0,
- "max_bid": 0
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
min_ask | string <numeric> |
max_bid | string <numeric> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
market_id | number <numeric> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
time | string <timestamp with time zone> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
min_ask | number <numeric> |
max_bid | number <numeric> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "market_id": 0,
- "time": "string",
- "min_ask": 0,
- "max_bid": 0
query Parameters
name | string <text> |
symbol | string <text> |
decimals | string <smallint> |
address | string <text> |
module | string <text> |
struct | string <text> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "name": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "module": "string",
- "struct": "string"
query Parameters
select | string Filtering Columns |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" "resolution=ignore-duplicates" "resolution=merge-duplicates" Preference |
Request Body schema:
name | string <text> |
symbol | string <text> |
decimals | integer <smallint> |
address | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
module | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
struct | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "module": "string",
- "struct": "string"
query Parameters
name | string <text> |
symbol | string <text> |
decimals | string <smallint> |
address | string <text> |
module | string <text> |
struct | string <text> |
header Parameters
Prefer | string Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" "return=none" Preference |
Request Body schema:
name | string <text> |
symbol | string <text> |
decimals | integer <smallint> |
address | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
module | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
struct | string <text> Note:
This is a Primary Key. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "module": "string",
- "struct": "string"
query Parameters
market_id | string <numeric> |
registration_time | string <timestamp with time zone> |
base_account_address | string <character varying> |
base_module_name | string <text> |
base_struct_name | string <text> |
base_name_generic | string <text> |
quote_account_address | string <character varying> |
quote_module_name | string <text> |
quote_struct_name | string <text> |
lot_size | string <numeric> |
tick_size | string <numeric> |
min_size | string <numeric> |
underwriter_id | string <numeric> |
is_recognized | string <boolean> |
last_fill_price_24hr | string <numeric> |
price_change_as_percent_24hr | string <numeric> |
price_change_24hr | string <numeric> |
min_price_24h | string <numeric> |
max_price_24h | string <numeric> |
base_volume_24h | string <numeric> |
quote_volume_24h | string <numeric> |
base_name | string <text> |
base_decimals | string <smallint> |
base_symbol | string <text> |
quote_name | string <text> |
quote_decimals | string <smallint> |
quote_symbol | string <text> |
select | string Filtering Columns |
order | string Ordering |
offset | string Limiting and Pagination |
limit | string Limiting and Pagination |
header Parameters
Range | string Limiting and Pagination |
Range-Unit | string Default: items Limiting and Pagination |
Prefer | string Value: "count=none" Preference |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "market_id": 0,
- "registration_time": "string",
- "base_account_address": "string",
- "base_module_name": "string",
- "base_struct_name": "string",
- "base_name_generic": "string",
- "quote_account_address": "string",
- "quote_module_name": "string",
- "quote_struct_name": "string",
- "lot_size": 0,
- "tick_size": 0,
- "min_size": 0,
- "underwriter_id": 0,
- "is_recognized": true,
- "last_fill_price_24hr": 0,
- "price_change_as_percent_24hr": 0,
- "price_change_24hr": 0,
- "min_price_24h": 0,
- "max_price_24h": 0,
- "base_volume_24h": 0,
- "quote_volume_24h": 0,
- "base_name": "string",
- "base_decimals": 0,
- "base_symbol": "string",
- "quote_name": "string",
- "quote_decimals": 0,
- "quote_symbol": "string"