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Econia's DSS provides an MQTT server for real-time notifications. It uses Mosquitto as the MQTT server, and a custom Rust program to publish PostgreSQL events to MQTT.

By default, the MQTT server runs on port 21883.

All messages sent on all topics are in JSON format.

There are multiple available MQTT libraries across a wide variety of languages:

MQTT protocol overview

Each MQTT message has a topic and a payload.

You can subscribe to topics.

When specifying the topic you want to subscribe to, you can put a + instead of a value to subscribe to all events matching the rest of the topic.


We use the topic fill/MARKET_ID/USER_ADDRESS/CUSTODIAN_ID. Fill events by the user 0xc0deface with custodian ID 1 on market 3 will have fill/3/0xc0deface/1 as a topic. But you could subscribe to fill/+/0xc0deface/+ to get all fill events from the user 0xc0deface.


Price levels


Here, DIRECTION is either ask or bid, and LEVEL is the level of the price level (level 1 is the best ask/bid, level 2 is the second best, etc.).

Levels go up to 10.

Tip: You can subscribe to levels/MARKET_ID/# or levels/MARKET_ID/+/+ to subscribe to all price levels events for a market.

A payload for this event looks like this:

"price": 12345,
"size": 12345,
"txn_version": 12345

Remember to set MQTT_PRICE_LEVELS=yes in the .env file for docker compose (if running with docker compose, otherwise the mqtt-publisher executable must have that variable exported) if you wish to get price levels over MQTT.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /place_limit_order_events endpoint.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /place_market_order_events endpoint.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /place_swap_order_events endpoint.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /change_order_size_events endpoint.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /cancel_order_events endpoint.



The JSON format for this message is the same as the REST API /fill_events endpoint.

Note that if you subscribe to fill events for two different user/custodian ID combinations on the same market and they fill against each other, you will receive the same fill event notification twice, once on each channel.


The Econia repository contains a Docker compose environment for running a DSS against a local testnet. This compose environment is designed for end-to-end testing, and can be used for monitoring MQTT notifications via the example script. In order to run the example script, you'll need to install Poetry.

If you'd like to run the example script against the end-to-end Docker compose environment, first initialize the environment according to the steps here. Then once the compose environment is running, open up a new terminal and run the following:

# From Econia repo root
cd src/python/sdk
poetry install
poetry run event

Enter nothing for all of the prompts to use the default local configuration.

Now you can perform actions on the locally-deployed exchange to trigger events, or run the script:

# From Econia repo root, new terminal
cd src/python/sdk
poetry run trade

Enter nothing for all of the prompts to use the default local configuration.

As you run through the assorted sections in the trading script, you should see fill events coming in over the MQTT channel.